Apple rumored to resolve carcinogenic

Be sure to eat the apple peeler it? Eating apple cause cancer? Let the experts come to you parse apple carcinogenic rumors. In fact, Apple itself will not only not have a bad effect on the body, and apple contained substances for human health has certain advantages (Tracy previously mentioned “the benefits of eating apples”). But now Apple’s growing process will use certain pesticides, pesticide residue issues affecting the quality and safety of apples. Part of the excessive use of pesticides or pesticide may be using inferior carcinogenic potential.

Apple rumored to resolve carcinogenic

Apple rumored to resolve carcinogenic

Apple carcinogenic reasons:

Now agriculture are generally focused on planting, planting apple is also a lot of planting, the process will inevitably use of certain pesticides. This agricultural production around the world is a very common phenomenon. Many pesticides do not dissolve in water, but also, and has a high affinity for the same wax. Apple is the outermost surface layer of wax, pesticides adsorbed on wax, and can effectively protect the fruit, avoid pest, pathogen infection. Because fat-soluble pesticides lasting effect, can not easily be washed clean, so many growers prefer this type of medicine. At the same time, these agents are generally easy to enter inside the fruit, which will reduce the amount of residues. So even though apple contains special nutrients, but it does contain more pesticides may flesh.

If strict accordance with the standards prescribed by the use of pesticides, even if there are traces of pesticide residues on human health will not be affected. But excessive abuse in China’s agricultural production or the use of poor quality but it is the behavior of pesticides have occurred, counterfeit pesticides is part of the possibility of cancer.

So, you can not blindly believe that eating apple cause cancer, or do not eat the apple certainly does not cause cancer, mainly depends on the quality and how many problems apple pesticide residues. So when we eat apples to pay attention to? If you can smell the pesticide directly taste, then is sure to be peeled to eat. Also, if Apple’s epidermis can see some gray-blue spots, it is usually because the sprayed Bordeaux mixture in the planting process, a preparation made ​​from copper sulphate and lime agents, direct consumption harmful to human health, If you do not use water to clean, then it should be eaten after paring.

How to identify carcinogenic apple

Generally speaking, the chances of bagging produce fruit pesticide exposure is low, but when Apple sold, it is difficult to distinguish whether it is bagging plant production of fruit. Apple’s appearance can be observed from the distinction between what is generally the fruit of neat, fruit surface smooth, lighter in color, but the difference between the different small fruit, then this bagging apples are generally produced.

Fresh apple fruit surface with a layer of natural wax, but there are thin fruit powder, does not seem very bright feeling. Apple harvest in order to increase the value of goods and slow the loss of Apple, often waxing machine polishing, and may have preservative treatment such problems, it is especially nice to see the surface of the shiny apples, especially in-season apples, The best peeled before eating.

Autumn is the season of apple listed, then selling fresh apples, then there is no need to use preservative treatment, eating fruit more secure. But for Apple foreign imports preservation treatment is necessary, and waxing is a more common phenomenon, it is best not to worry peeled edible.