How to distinguish the model drumsticks

We now always use numbers to identify drumstick models, in general, this classification, there are two broad categories: modern and traditional. Modern Model Number: Modern digital models are generally unique to each drumstick manufacturer, not the same brand have different figures represent their models. For example, is the ProMark 707 and 739 models, Quantum3000 is Calato models, model Magnum Rocker is Vic Firth exclusive use. Traditional model numbers: the so-called traditional model numbers, such as 3S, 2B, 5B, 5A, 7A there is from the first generation of the standing side drumstick models. All of these may vary depending on the manufacturer and a little nuances in Taper and hammer head, but the overall shape of the model as well as the entire industry is almost uniform.

Figures represent the significance: In these models, the circumferential length of the digital portion represents drumstick, which is the thickness of the drumstick. Typically, the larger the number the thinner the drumstick. In contrast, the smaller the number the more coarse drumstick. For example, 7A than in 5B should be fine, and 5B are finer than 2B. But there is an exception, that is, 3S, though his numbers are 3, but it is also thicker than 5B.

The letters represent the meaning of: “S” model is designed specifically for the marching band drumstick, such as a military band. This model can be improved naturally cool, very suitable for the use of these musical styles. “B” model is very suitable for the band to play, such as pipe band or orchestra music. It is more than the thickness of the “S” type should be fine, they use very easy to control, it is very popular in the beginner. So, 2B drumstick recommended countless drum teacher to student, began as a drumstick contact. “A” represents Symphony. “A” type drumstick design or large jazz orchestra playing dance music and design. They want finer than B, which makes them very suitable for playing some soft music. So why is “A” represents Symphony Which? According to records, Ludwig Drum Company is the world’s first mass-produced using modern mechanical means drumstick manufacturers. And Lrdwig family also plays drums in the world’s pivotal role. So, want to know that these types of drumsticks classification system, in addition to ask this old factory, other methods certainly not enough authority, according to experts BILL Ludwig drum Ludwig JR. Introduction, when his father was the choice of this letter, he chose “A” There are two reasons, one: he does not like “O” (both English OCHESTRA initials), 2: he likes to “A” Since then, each manufacturer uses “A” to represent this model, until now