Russians bowed instruments Le Saw

Saw Saw piano music, also known as the name suggests, but can be used to play the music of the saw. Saw the music chosen by the Queen in person but handsaw, because, proportional to the size of the range with a handsaw sawing music: the handsaw, the more wide range.
, By definition, but can be used to play the song saw. Saw the music chosen by the Queen in person but handsaw, because, proportional to the size of the range with a handsaw sawing music: the handsaw, the more wide range.
Musical saws originated in Italy in the 17th century, then gradually spread to the whole world in the early 1900s was more popular, but so far most of the world people have not seen Saw piano playing, for the first time I saw or heard people terms are curious as drawn is not easy, playing difficulty is higher.
Handsaw blade and the handle is composed of two parts. Playing method, the upper half of the handsaw handle on top of the left leg, right leg suppress the lower half of a handsaw. Left thumb and finger food in the upper pinch with a handsaw, with the help uplift forces on the left leg and right leg under pressure, with the left hand thumb finger food in the three S-shaped blade slightly bent, right hand holding the bow in S-shaped raised at the rub-outs, you can send out a tone. When moving up and down when the left hand, S-shaped lower projection point will move up and down with the treble it with an abrupt change. At this point, a slight shake right leg, with the stiffness of the saw blade will produce small changes, resulting vibrato to beautify the tone. Saw piano playing, except empirically out, is more important is to correct the treble with auditory and control intonation.