Lantern traditional specialties – Lantern

Now is the fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival , you know in this festival, the most traditional , what is most distinctive cuisine is not it? Of course , none other than non- Lantern . Lantern Festival is also called the ” dumpling “, ” Mariko ” is the Lantern Festival food traditions and customs .
Lantern traditional specialties - Lantern
Lantern traditional specialties – Lantern

Lantern Introduction

The Chinese Lantern Festival is a very traditional food , eat in the Lantern Festival Lantern customs. Lantern symbol of family reunion , the new year means eating Lantern family happiness and good luck.

Lantern in the country for a long time , initially called ” floating Mariko ,” Ming Yongle officially named Lantern , later known as the ” dumpling ” or ” dumpling ” , these names are associated with “Reunion ” is similar pronunciation, the meaning of reunion .

Lantern practice

Lantern made ​​of glutinous rice , may have stuffing or without stuffing. There are red bean filling , sesame, jujube , gingko nuts , almonds , sugar, hawthorn , all kinds of fruit and other materials , can be boiled, fried , steamed , fried, candied , roasted .

North Lantern approach: first filling of small spherical shape into uniform , covered with dry glutinous rice flour on the dill basket constantly shaking from time to time and add water to make stuffing more and more glutinous rice flour glue until it is medium in size .
Lantern traditional specialties - Lantern
Lantern traditional specialties – Lantern

Difference Lantern and rice balls

Many people are of the Lantern Festival and dumplings is not clear , it was said that the rice balls Lantern , someone said that there are differences between the two , the difference between them can be attributed to the following points :

① fillings : Lantern with plain solid sweet fillings ; meat dumpling fillings have known

② practice: Lantern fillings after the first cut into small pieces made ​​of glutinous rice flour moistened with water stained ; glutinous rice flour dumplings are well into the skin and into the stuffing packets

③ Other: Lantern thin , cook until the skin absorbs water becomes a paste ; dumpling stuffing moisture than Lantern , extremely wet sticky glutinous rice flour

Lantern Festival Lantern Festival is the most traditional , most unique cuisine in the Lantern Festival day , you can not forget to cook and eat , oh.