Flute expiratory use

Flute expiratory use. To blow a good flute, in addition to master the correct mouth outside expiratory use is the most important part of. Fa luck or not, directly affect the audio quality, the intensity of the master, the sound of a lasting and pitch control.

Flute range is very wide, from C1 (or b) to C4 (or e4). Timbre and expression between each zone vary greatly, the use of breath are also different. Bass is very soft, and even some cold and desolate, generally do not play a strong melody. Pressure needs to breath a small, but air consumption. To try to relax and open mouth throat increased sense of movement breath when luck. Alt (from g1 to g3) is the best sound area, blend sounds mild, clear and pure, very affectionate, be free to make all kinds of efforts to performance, consumption atmosphere relatively speaking little luck mastery are more easy, and clear treble sounds cheerful, is particularly sharp when playing strong to get gorgeous results. But the atmosphere requires a strong support force, gas consumption is also large. Exhale to ensure there is enough power, but also to control the air flow rate, so that should not be excessive, or cause sound stiff and hair tips.

Flute sound still in the moonlight generally bright and gentle, fully reflects the requirements of European aesthetics inherent and subtle beauty. To reach a higher level, skills must be trained deep breath. Therefore, we beginners luck when we must pay attention to science. I can say luck and bel canto method of singing is the same, we use six words to sum up, the “deep, slow and warm.” “Deep” refers to inhale deeper, lower position, usually around the waist and lower abdomen. This makes it easy to store large amount of flavor, which is not competent longer phrases embarrassed. But also help reduce the burden on the chest, lungs. “Slow” means to try to slow the speed of luck, and not be dry, calm, like winter out Oh heat. So as to blow out thick and flabby voice. “Passion” means the last breath exhaled through the mouth when, in addition to belly hold adequate support, to relax the chest, throat to try to open, you can not hold your breath. Upper and lower teeth open, the mouth raised, as usual yawn of state, to appreciate the breath and find a sense of the flow of sound resonance. Although luck is an invisible movement, but not mysterious, as long as we carefully comprehend, hard exercise is not difficult to grasp. Also note that the amount of change in the number of breathing is an important means of expression of intensity, and control the speed of smell are closely linked to the pitch. Therefore, we must be reasonable use of breathing while playing, pay attention to control pitch strength in the performance.


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