Dietary principles of hypertension

Intro: what are the principles of the diet in hypertensive patients, healthy eating habits can we have a healthy body to escort, correct diet also added elements for our health. To develop healthy eating habits are the key to having a healthy body in the daily life.


So in order to keep the blood pressure in hypertensive patients increased, we should follow the principle of diet in the diet, we look together below:


Ten major dietary hypertension must follow the principle of


1, control of energy intake, reduce the high fat diet.


Patients with hypertension, such as excessive calorie diet, saturated and unsaturated fats imbalance, much less sodium, potassium, calcium less, too much too much sugar, cellulose, are bad. Therefore, to reduce the amount of fat in your diet, especially the animal fats, such as fat, fatty intestine etc..


The 2, should eat a low cholesterol food.


High cholesterol food animal offal, egg yolk, roe, animal oil. With low cholesterol foods are milk (each containing 100g 13mg), a variety of freshwater fish (100g 90-103mg). 100g pork liver with 368mg, 100g egg yolk cholesterol containing 1705mg.


3, limit sugary food.


Especially obese or obese tend to hypertension, should eat less sweet cakes, cookies, sweets, desserts.


4, the control of salt intake.


In general, mild hypertension, salt intake per day should be controlled below 6-8g; have acute hypertension, salt should be strictly controlled at 1-2 grams (converted into soy sauce, about 5-10m1). A more fitting sodium foods, including pickles, bacon, fermented bean curd, should be in the restricted list.


5, eat more fresh vegetables.


According to the vegetable market, in the condition of low fat intake, appropriate to increase the intake of fresh vegetables, such as celery, cucumber, beans, tomatoes, all patients to hypertension.


6, the strict control of smoke, wine.


Smoking is harmful to health, it is generally accepted. Drinking is still in the menopause friend hobby, however, drinking on hypertension is very bad, especially the excessive drinking. Therefore, in patients with climacteric hypertension should be strictly controlled and tobacco. Hypertensive patients diet should be light, avoid eating greasy, irritation, high cholesterol and pickled food.


7, choose more carbohydrate food.


Eat more carbohydrates, such as starch containing food fiber, brown rice, corn, millet powder, can promote intestinal peristalsis, accelerated cholesterol efflux, beneficial to the prevention and treatment of hypertension; glucose, fructose, and sucrose, increased lipid of sorrow, it should be less.


8, the amount of protein.


Harmful substances produced by metabolism of protein, can cause blood pressure fluctuations, should be limited to animal protein. Diet should be considered when the protein physiological function, high biological value should be high quality protein, according to L G / kg body weight recharge, which accounted for 50% of plant protein, animal protein, fish, chicken, beef, with egg white, milk, lean pork.


9, restricted lipid.


To reduce the fat, limiting cholesterol; fatty supply 40 ~ 50 g / day, in addition to coconut oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, corn oil, safflower oil and other vegetable oil contains vitamin E and more linoleic acid, to prevent the rupture of blood vessels have a certain role. Patients with hyperlipidemia and coronary heart disease, should limit the intake of animal fat. As a long-term consumption of high cholesterol foods, such as animal offal, brain, egg yolk, meat, shellfish, squid, fish, animal fat, can cause hyperlipoproteinemia, promote lipid deposition, aggravate hypertension disease, so the diet cholesterol should be controlled in the range of 300 ~ 400 mg / day.


10, patients should pay attention to the science of drinking water.


The hardness of water is closely related to hypertension control, we know that contains calcium ion and magnesium ion in the drinking water, but if lack of calcium and magnesium ions in the blood, easily lead to vasospasm, vascular spasm is a rise in blood pressure. So in hypertensive patients should drink more water.


What is the water? Such as: Drinking spring water, deep well water, natural mineral water.