Amount of wind instruments Sibu Si

Sibu Si amount is Kazakh edges gas alarms instruments. Also translated Si Buzi amount Team mate Spies places. Popular in Xinjiang Altay , Burqin , Tacheng , a new source , Usu , Urumqi and other places.
 Amount of wind instruments Sibu Si
Long history, a book in the 11th century AD, ancient ” Turkic Dictionary” , which was carrying ” Si Buzi amount ” as “a flute .” Be seen as early as 11 centuries ago, Sibu Si amount had already appeared and spread in the community , and also from generation to generation , has spread. Kazakh people to livestock for a living, Sibu Si amount is the old shepherds often play a clarinet .

Shape structure
Original tube body with a shady cove on the prairie or a thick growth of reed making, now more poplar, pine or yurt Punta rod production. Generally 50 cm long tube body , diameter 1.5 cm , hollow tube , no reed whistle devices. Open the body to have three or four by the sound hole , the top tube wall thinning as the mouthpiece ( Figure ) , the tube bundle catgut or cord , to prevent cracking of the tube body dry climate , the protective effect .

Playing method
Playing Sibu Si forehead before wet washed with water wall tube body to make pronunciation mellow. When playing , vertical tube body holding to his left index finger on the hole ( four-hole who left by the last two holes ) , right thumb and forefinger pressed end two holes. Mouthpiece mouthpiece, and a bit more on the left side of the lips , tongue blocked nozzle majority , leaving a small opening for the blow holes. First by the throat made ​​a long tone ( continuous bass ) , while the gas flow into the tube, shock tube emit air column vibration tube tone finish one before blowing ventilation . Guttural sound tube with the amount of pitch Sibu Si same as C tone , coordination and integration between the two . As the amount of sound -hole Sibu Si : c1, e1, g1, c2, play treble entirely on breath control , and can play the following overtone : d2, e2, f2, g2, a 2, b2, c3. Playing skills have portamento , vibrato , Yi Yin and so on. Range c1-c3, there are two octaves . Commonly used in the solo , suitable for remote listening . Good at playing lyrical music.
 Amount of wind instruments Sibu Si
Traditional music
The famous traditional songs are: ” miss “, ” Monkey jujube tied horse “, ” Irtysh waves “, ” camel race “, ” white cursory ” and so on . Song describes Kazakh herdsmen labor , life and beautiful natural scenery.