10 kinds of food to help the body detox

Lead: poor metabolism, the body and the skin will accumulate a lot of harmful toxins, over time, from the inside out, let your body more and more unhealthy. The election of the detox food is to allow you to reproduce the brilliance of an important weapon. Here you recommend 10 kinds effectively remove body waste good food.

1 kelp: bowel movements “accelerator”

Kelp taste salty, cold, with Phlegm and asthma, detoxification laxative effect. Kelp is rich in algin acid ingredient, mannitol, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, crude fiber, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, niacin, iodine, calcium, phosphorus, iron and so on. Especially rich in iodine, very useful to humans, to treat goiter and iodine disorders caused. Kelp can effectively control endemic goiter, hypertension, arteriosclerosis and high cholesterol prevention and adjuvant treatment. It contains proteins, including eight kinds of amino acids. Kelp iodide absorbed by the body, can accelerate the disease and the exclusion of inflammatory exudate, have lower blood pressure, prevent arteriosclerosis, promote the role of discharge of harmful substances.

Meanwhile, kelp also contains a substance called sulfated polysaccharide, can absorb the cholesterol in blood vessels and excreted them, so to maintain normal blood cholesterol content. In addition, the kelp surface layer of slightly sweet child of white powder, is of great medical value of mannitol, a good diuretic effect, can be treated drug toxicity, edema, embolism, therefore, kelp is detoxifies the ideal food.

In terms of detox, kelp is peristalsis “accelerator.” Kelp is alkaline, can promote blood triglyceride metabolism, helps laxative. And low in calories, rich in dietary fiber, can accelerate bowel movement.

Kelp is best to eat steamed, so as not to destroy kelp minerals, but also effectively increases peristalsis.


Corn kelp ribs soup

2 spinach: intestinal toxic heat “clean-up workers”

Spinach can clean up toxic heat in the human stomach, can prevent constipation, make radiant, known as toxic hot stomach “clean-up work.” Chinese medicine believes spinach and sweet cool, can be nourishing, bleeding, grabbing yin, run coal. Thus prevent constipation, make radiant. Spinach is also rich in enzymes, can stimulate the stomach, pancreatic secretion, both aid digestion, and intestines Road, is conducive to the stool smoothly excreted, to avoid pro inhaled poison stool blood, so that the body skin appear red, shiny.

Spinach leaves contain a class of insulin-like substance, can make blood sugar stable; spinach is rich in vitamins, able to Combat angular cheilitis, night blindness; spinach also contains large amounts of antioxidants, anti-aging, and promote the role of cell proliferation, both activation brain function, but also enhance the vigor, and prevent brain aging.

Spinach and Persian grass, by the famous American dermatologist Beth Landau had gained a share of the amount raised, with apple, carrot k, skim milk, chicken, wheat germ oil, oranges, shellfish, tuna and boiled water. the same as “10 Great amount raised skin food.”

Eat a lot of spinach, spring and summer season Wash the spinach, blanch with boiling water, drain water, together with the sauce made mostly salad, and spinach mixed with curd therapeutic effect is a plus.


Spinach mixed Haihong

3 Pig: intestinal detoxification “digestive enzymes”

Pig is rich in vitamin B2, nutrients vitamin C, protein, iron, phosphorus, calcium, niacin and so on. After the pig blood plasma proteins are the body’s acid decomposition, to produce a detoxification, bowel decomposition, can invade the human body with dust, metal particles of harmful combination reaction, easy-to-toxins from your body. In addition, blood is rich in iron, anemia and looking pale person has improved, it is the ideal food detoxifies, intestinal detoxification “digestive enzymes.”

Eating pig’s blood detoxification, cleanse the body of waste, as well as beauty features. I heard drunk pig blood soup, not only to rid the body of toxins, as well as the role of beauty. Pig blood plasma proteins, and invasive gastrointestinal dust, harmful metal particles react becomes difficult to be absorbed by the body substances. Drunk pig blood soup, not only to rid the body of toxins, as well as the role of beauty. Pig blood plasma proteins, and invasive gastrointestinal dust, harmful metal particles react becomes difficult to be absorbed by the body substances. In addition, pig iron, pig is also rich in iron, anemia and looking pale complexion who have improvement.

In addition, blood is also rich in iron, anemia and looking pale complexion who improve the role of medicine as tonic regimen often hear the phrase folk idioms, indeed, its scientific basis. Reasonable choice of food, reasonable cooking, you can eat healthy and beautiful.

Long-term exposure to dust, it is best to eat pig blood on a regular basis. Especially car drivers daily, teachers, miners, should eat pig. Pig drinking white rice, can effectively help gut detoxification, prevention of colon cancer.


Minced meat pig

4 brown: bowel dredge “plumbers”

After removal of rice husk processing is brown rice, since the rear outer shell remains little organization, such as the cortex, aleurone layer and germ. The outer layer of tissue contains a wealth of nutrients, compared with white rice, with more rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, as well as prevent the aging of rice alcohol.

Brown rice richer than many vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, so brown rice has always been a healthy food. Brown rice is rich in B vitamins and vitamin E, can promote blood circulation, continue to intestinal transport of energy, can promote the proliferation of intestinal bacteria, promote gastrointestinal motility, strengthen the nervous system conduction function, prevent premature aging and obesity, which dietary fiber, can prevent constipation, colon cancer and obesity, helps metabolism and detoxification, detoxification is considered a very healthy food. Prevent constipation and colon cancer, known as the gut to clear the “plumbers.”

Eat: brown rice porridge eating can be.


Seafood black fungus brown rice porridge

5 Honey: gastrointestinal tract, “beauty fluid”

Honey contains amino acids, vitamins, the body can promote a virtuous circle; honey magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and nutrients can regulate the nervous system, can also provide a good environment for intestinal rest, so intestinal “pleasant”, as gastrointestinal tract, “beauty fluid.” Honey bowel detoxification method is more popular nowadays beauty methods. Honey bowel detoxification method refers to three meals a day are honey water or tea instead of honey, which play a weight loss, nourish the skin effect.

Honey Detoxification Principle: Honey contains fatty acids can promote intestinal peristalsis, and its rich in vitamins and minerals are having to adjust gastrointestinal function, can drain away toxins, improve constipation. Eat honey has been able to lose weight, because it contains the heat very low, only 75% of the same amount of white sugar. 100g honey contains 294 calories, enough to eat even one day 200g, but also the heat absorbed by 600 calories, usually from two to one thousand five thousand intake of calories normal standards, very far away compared. So although honey is “dessert”, but the same effect can be obtained weight loss. In addition honey can add vitamin B group, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, will not damage the body nutritionally balanced, it is the weight of the best.

Honey Detoxification Basic: breakfast daily, afternoon and evening meals are honey water or tea instead of honey, the whole can not eat or drink anything else. During weight loss, 150-200g of edible honey every day, eat at least 150g component only received the effect of weight loss; if feel hungry or tired, eat honey directly or honey water, can immediately supply the body of nutrients, restore the spirit.


Honey pomegranate juice

6 Yogurt: intestinal motility of “additive”

Yogurt is rich in lactic acid bacteria can maintain the ecological balance of intestinal flora to form a biological barrier, inhibiting the invasion of harmful bacteria to the gut; lactic acid bacteria also produce large amounts of short-chain fatty acids promote intestinal peristalsis, thereby preventing constipation, known as the gut the power of “additive”; Yogurt contains a variety of enzymes, can also help the body better digestion and absorption of nutrients in milk. Between meals you can make a cup of yogurt intestinal flora balance, promote digestive decomposition.

When using yogurt detoxification method, over a period of detoxification, meals mainly yogurt, detox generally lasts one to two days of date. Because one day only yogurt, so to choose the quality of quality assurance yogurt, light taste some of the best.

If you think a simple yogurt too monotonous, then you can add a variety of fruits or appropriate herbs, lemon juice and seasonings and other things. Eat in the detoxification phase rich in dietary fiber and fruits and vegetables can effectively discharge the toxins, so you can fully feel an unprecedented comfort relaxed.


Old homemade yogurt

7 konjac tofu: intestinal light “energy dollars”

Konjac biggest feature is fat, lowering blood pressure, detoxification, Runchang laxative effect. Konjac is rich in dietary fiber, can enhance intestinal peristalsis. Shorten the residence time of food in the intestine, reducing the chance of waste accumulation in vivo, to reduce the harm to the body of harmful substances. And konjac tofu contains hydrogel fiber bundles, can greatly promote intestinal peristalsis, reduce intestinal stress. In addition, one of the dietary fiber, can form a protective film on the intestinal wall, shorten the residence time of food, clearing the intestinal waste, reputed to be changed so that the intestinal light “energy dollars”, called “slimming products saint” .

In addition, konjac tofu dietary fiber, the main ingredient is glucomannan, a protective film can be formed in the intestinal wall, shorten the residence time of food, clearing the intestinal waste, effectively allowing the intestinal tract in healthy active.

Konjac has a variety of therapeutic efficacy, with a high food value, either alone or cooking food, also Zuo other dishes were eating, taste fresh and delicious. Simmer over low heat konjac tofu, will make it all the nutrients released, soup easily absorbed by the body.


Spicy tofu konjac

8 Peanuts: Intestinal strong “catalyst”

Peanuts higher nutritional value than food, rich in protein and fat, especially unsaturated fatty acids. Can be a strong gut, it is because peanut Rupi, have stomach Xingpi, Hua Chang moistening effect. Peanut unique in phytic acid, plant sterols and other special materials, increase the toughness of the intestine, known as the gut strong “catalyst.”

Nutrition experts have found that high-quality peanuts, peanut oil and other peanut products, there is a nutrient called folic acid, it contains a lot of monounsaturated fatty acids, can increase the heat dissipation, burning harmful cholesterol, reduce high blood lipids. In addition to folic acid, peanuts also contain a variety of useful cellulose, have clear role of intestinal waste, does not cause obesity.

Eat 5-6 daily peanut, can a strong gut. Boiled peanuts, nutrition will not be destroyed, but also easy to absorb.


Salt and pepper peanuts

9 black fungus: intestinal clean “part-time”

Fungus sweet natured, detoxification detoxification, intestinal Qingwei polyester, and blood to stop bleeding and other effects. Ancient records, fungus, “Qi is not hungry, are light and strong annals.” Fungus rich in nutrients carbohydrates, gums, cephalin, cellulose, glucose, xylose, lecithin, carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin C, protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., is hailed the “prime in the dirty.” Fungus contained in a plant gum,

Black fungus is a famous delicacies, edible, can medicine, can make up, the “prime in the dirty” reputation, the world known as the “Chinese food in the black treasure.” Black fungus contained in the plant gum, with a strong adhesive force, can in a short time left in the human digestive system dust concentration of adsorbed impurities, and then excreted, and thus play a detoxification Qingwei, “wash” gut effect, known as the gut clean “part-time.”

Black fungus salad to eat the most nutritious, just according to personal taste by adding seasoning mix evenly.


Celery lily black fungus

10 Aloe Vera: intestinal excretion of “booster”

Some people say “morning cup of aloe vera, as precious as gold”, aloe vera has a unique but very good tonic for both detoxification personality, contains a variety of plant active ingredients and a variety of amino acids, vitamins, polysaccharides and minerals, including It can be an excellent way to stimulate the aloin the small bowel, the intestinal toxins discharged, the intestine can be an excellent way to remove toxins, heat treating intestinal constipation, intestinal excretion is known as “booster”; as well as cleaning up the liver vascular effects of endotoxin.

Aloe Vera can be used as medicine, but only pills, powders, but also transfer deposited into powder topical or vinegar, alcohol foam coating after use, would not join the decoction. Edible tomato pieces can be made on fresh vegetable mix aloe or aloe gravy stew Nest.


Aloe juice barley


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