Efficacy _ carrot carrots how to do it delicious

Mo Yan with the pen “carrot” to expose people’s livelihood phenomenon, which civil comparable “little ginseng” carrot, what kind of effect it? Carrot how do we go eat? TCM introduction, you can eat radish fat, soften blood vessels, prevent coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and other diseases. It is worth mentioning that carrots can inhibit the growth of cancer cells in the prevention of cancer, cancer is important.

Efficacy _ carrot carrots how to do it delicious

Efficacy _ carrot carrots how to do it delicious

1, the cancer tumor suppressor: carrots, cabbage and other cruciferous vegetables are all foods best anti-cancer, anti-cancer (Xiao Bian mentioned before, “How in the anti-cancer diet”) foods, including lung cancer , stomach, liver, larynx, esophagus, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, breast cancer and bladder cancer preventive effect is most obvious. Carrots have been able to cancer, cancer prevention because it contains some special ingredients as follows: sulforaphane, may be all natural anti-cancer substances currently found, the effectiveness of the strongest, the best result. Vitamin A, is essential to maintain the quality of the material between cells and plays a role in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Saccharification enzymes that break down food nitrosamines, which can greatly reduce the carcinogenic effects of the substance. Lignin, can devour macrophages in vivo cancer activity increased two to four times.

2, treatment of gout: carrots are alkaline foods, is a substantially purine vegetables. Carrots are rich in enzymes, raw food can effectively promote the metabolism of purines, carrots also contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, vitamin K, Vc and other substances, which can effectively improve the quality of blood, alkaline of blood and a diuretic, RONGSHI effect on gout patients is very beneficial. Red radish for gallstones, kidney stones also have a good preventive and therapeutic effects.

3, remove pressure lowering: eating raw carrots often have magical reduce blood fat, cholesterol, soften blood vessels, blood pressure, and may prevent coronary heart disease, arteriosclerosis, kidney stones, gallstones and other diseases.

4, digestion: you can quickly neutralize stomach acid, and also contains promote gastrointestinal motility, appetite mustard oil, dietary fiber and other beneficial ingredients, so after dinner eating raw carrots can quickly help promote digestion, relieve stomach acid, bloating magic, gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer have a good therapeutic effect. In addition, radish Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Escherichia coli was inhibited.

5, cough and phlegm: suffering from acute and chronic bronchitis, asthma or cough, phlegm, wheezing who, with red radish juice with Peel and block students have the effect of lower gas phlegm and asthma.

6, detoxifies (Xiao Bian mentioned before “forever young female beauty regimen four recipe”): the carrots contain substances can promote gastrointestinal motility large amounts of cellulose, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, helps the body discharge of waste, constipation and acne have a very good therapeutic effect.

7, anti-virus: raw radish is a good interferon inducer, animal experiments have proved radish extract has anti-viral infection. Raw food red radish inhibit viral strongest, followed by radish, white radish again.

8, weight: carrot contains some saccharification enzymes to break down food starch, fat and other ingredients to make the decomposition of the body to fully absorb and use later, so the carrot is a very good diet food.

9, blood and qi: carrot red radish skin pigment contained in that vitamin A can promote the hemoglobin increase and improve the quality of blood and blood concentration, plays a significant role in the treatment of anemia. Radish also contains a lot of iron, helps the blood, the iron content of which 40% carrot than white radish, 75% higher than the radish.

10 Calcium: carrots contain a lot of calcium, and radish contain oxalic acid because, more conducive to the absorption of calcium in the body, so the carrot is to share and calcium, the study also found that higher calcium content carrots 24 percent of white radish, 6% higher than the radish.

Carrot how to do it delicious?

Raise the value of the radish is not only rich in bright colors, taste is first class, by many people’s favorite dishes up. But how do we go eat radishes? What tips do radishes?